I have had a heavy heart this week. Several people that I dearly love are facing really tough situations...the recurrence of cancer and all that comes with the 'what-do-I-do-now?' phase, another with an early pregnancy scare, and yet another sharing the last days of a loved family member. But I'm reminded, as in my own journey, to take all these situations to my God in prayer! Indeed, He already knows the outcome of all these situations and He will work for good in each and every one of the hearts of those involved in each of these trials.
So it seemed fitting that today was the day to take the 'healing basket' (contents pictured) off our kitchen counter and into a keepsake box that I will treasure forever. This basket housed all the letters, notes and cards that you all sent over the last 8+ months of my cancer journey. Likewise, I have an "Ahhh, Love is Nice" Gmail folder that holds 448 of your emails sent to me with words of love and encouragement.
I have a diary where I carefully noted each day, the many calls, meals, and gifts that came in that day.
In addition, I just checked my Google analytics for Julie's Pink Link and since December 18th, you all have made 9,518 visits to this blog, leaving your good thoughts and comments along every step of the journey our family has traveled since my diagnosis. Indeed, 44 of our 50 U.S. states are represented and somehow also 39 other countries in the world have checked in at one time or another! Little did I know how far reaching the blog would be.
It seems the right day to once again be reminded of these treasures of the last few months. We human beings need to be reminded constantly of God's provision for us and how truly healing it is to others when we take time to reach out to them with a note, an email, a phone call, a prayer or all the other ways we can send the message..."I care about you"! Your love for me and my family was truly remarkable and truly made all the difference in my healing journey! Thank you so much!
My prayer today is that in each of the situations my friends are now facing plus those situations among all of you unknown to me, that your 'healing basket' would overflow!