Thursday, August 6, 2009

Another Mini-Graduation!

It sounds silly I know, but it was so great yesterday to finish my 6th Zometa IV infusion which signals my 'graduation' to the every 3 month routine. What does that mean? It means that I will now receive Zometa every 3 months for an additional 30 months which means I finally finish in May 2012, just about 3 months after Indy hosts the Super Bowl.

If you remember, I'm in this national clinical trial whose purpose is to see if giving women with agressive breast cancer an osteoporosis-preventing drug will lower the rate at which the cancer could metastisize to bone. The idea is that if these drugs make your bones stronger and more dense, they will be less hospitable places for cancer cells to multiply. The additional benefit of course, is a lowered chance for osteoporosis which causes spine changes and greater risk for hip and other fractures as we ladies grow older, so I like that too!

So I now have no doctor appointments until late October (to see my surgeon for routine check) and early November for the next Zometa treatment...YEAH! Maybe all the IV stick bruises on my right arm will finally have the chance to really heal!


  1. Praise God another milestone conquered!!! So glad to celebrate it with you! Huggers

  2. That has to make you feel very happy! I'm really enjoying your Healthy Living tips. Trying to put them in practice. Thanks for sharing. You are ny hero! love ya, Mar
