Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

In anticipation of an absolutely wonderful upcoming weekend of time with family and friends, I thought I would prompt you to comment on what you're most thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Here's my list:
--My dear husband Ted
--That our kids, daughters-in-law, grandbabies and babe-in-womb are so healthy and are all happy and prospering
--That my life is so full of people to love and who love me back
--That we will gather on Saturday for a wonderful party to honor Joel and Jo's engagement with so many of our friends and family
--That I have some days, though still too rare, where I feel like my old self again, but that I'm improving month by month
--Most importantly, that God loves me!

Can't wait to read your comments! Have a very blessed Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Declare Blog War!

Okay, okay...most of you already knew and I'm sure were aghast as you read AskIndyTed's blog and I quote...

"Who is in control of the thermostat in your abode? If you are a man, you are in control. If not, buy a skirt. No self-respecting man ever relinquishes control of the one thing that women are incapable of understanding."

So did he actually think I would let that go? Of course not. Is he writing such nonsense just to irk me? to get my ire up? If so, it's working as I now declare our first Meek family...

All out BLOG WAR!

So here's my retort...

"Who is in control of everything else except the thermostat and the TV/DVR remotes in your abode? If you are a woman, you are in control. If not, get your girlfriends together for an emergency session to talk some sense into you! No self-respecting woman ever relinquishes control over running the household, the kids, the bills, the social calendar and all other "duties assumed" that men are incapable of understanding or should I say incapable of wanting to understand!"

So there!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Virtual Thanks!

I continue to just love my IU teaching job. It fits me perfectly...love the connection to students, the need to continually learn and the flexibility to do my work from wherever and whenever (well almost) I want!

I have been a "virtual" worker for so long that I was really jerked back to reality during a recent faculty meeting at the school. Now mind you, this was a room of master's and doctorally prepared acadamicians who are all just amazing people. But as we discussed a renovation to the 'faculty floor' of the building, there very clearly emerged a dichotomous curve. There were those who clearly not only love their offices, but have strong preferences regarding all aspects of the floor design, from how big, where at, how their desk faces, etc, etc. I was struck by their passion as I don't even need nor necessarily want IU to spend monies on an office for moi'.

I was so amazed, yet after reflecting on the discussion, realized that their preferences are no less valid than mine. My preferences are just as strong at the other end of the curve...I need to work where and however I want to...be it the library, grade papers at 1am, on a flight or at a Starbucks (where I do some of my best work juiced by a Venti black unsweetened iced tea if I do say so myself!). I'm currently teaching a class that is TOTALLY online...we never meet, students read about, turn in and I grade all of their assignments online and even my office hours are online using Breeze Adobe technology.

All of this just begs the question around how all of this "virtual-ness" drives some of us? while for others, it's disturbing? And most importantly, how dramatically our work, social and family lives are being affected. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't log onto Brooke's blog for a dose of my grandchildren's latest antics or Skype them on the weekends between our visits. We're in touch it seems multiple times per week with our three sons via GChat, texting, email and cell phone calls. What would we have done if we didn't have these mechanisms to stay connected across the miles between NYC, San Fran and St. Louis? I think it's a really fun subject to think about!

Anyhoo, when turkey time rolls around, I'm sending virtual thanks for my virtual world!