I just got home from the hospital, where my 99-year-old mom was admitted in the middle of the night Wed night. For those of you who know me, that means WE'VE been in the hospital since then. Thank the Lord my bro was home this time as he has faithfully done "his shift" each morning, permitting me to get some extra sleep and yes, then there's that full time job at IU that needs my attention. So I was looking for a moment of "feel great" time and knew just where to go...my daughter-in-law's blog at www.thethreeolives.com.
Brooke really says it best in her blog today called "Wishing it away"....difficult times for others makes you realize how quick and fleeting the most joyous of times really are...especially the great times spent with our spouses, kids and grandkids, but also our family and friends as well.
We've had a slew of bad news in the past week just like Brooke and Brian...my mom's illness, a girlfriend who just learned her father has lung cancer, another girlfriend who is struggling hard to juggle moving her mom into assisted living while caring for a granddaughter and her husband's loss of job in the same week, another friend who lost her favorite student really young, the death and funeral of someone we went to church with for years....and that's just been since Wednesday! Makes a person not want to answer the phone or read their email!
Anyhoo, if you want to really feel great...go read and gaze at the wonderful pictures on Brooke's blog...she says it best!
Sending hugs, blessings & prayers your way. Keeping all of this on my prayer list. Let me know if there is more I can do.