Sunday, January 24, 2010


The picture says it all. I can't believe that I haven't posted for two weeks. School has been crazy busy. In addition to my teaching load, starting one grant and submitting another have added to my work hours. Ted and I escaped last weekend to FL for a quick visit with my wonderful sis and bro-in-law. We had friends in all this weekend because we gave a baby shower here for a dear friend's daughter-in-law on Saturday. I leave Wed-Sat for a nursing conference with the deans in FL again.

But amidst it all, this picture of our new Harrison reminds me of what truly centers me....our three amazing grandchildren, our sons and beautifully-spirited daughters-in-law, Teddy, our extended families and wide circle of friends and most core to my Lord above. I'm totally centered on them...they are my life, my reason for being...all the rest is peripheral.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Doing What We Can Do

Friday night was absolutely freezing outside here in Indy, so Ted and I decided to bunk-in for a big movie night. We watched "Food Incorporated" and I was deeply affected by it. The movie basically chronicles how we've gone from locally-grown food provided by our regional farmers to 3-5 large companies controlling and mass-producing our food and holding farmers hostage to a "my-way-or-the-highway" process.

Notice how many food recalls we've had lately? Watch this movie and you'll absolutely understand why and how this happens. I swear I'll never buy a package of hamburger again, much less trust eating one from a fast food chain.

Not only did the movie reveal huge quality and safety issues with our food, but it also provided a deeply troubling look at the way these companies abuse animals in how they're raised and killed, but also how they knowingly hire and badly-treat employees who are not able or willing to speak up regarding frightening working conditions.

I told Ted that if I was 25-years-old again, I would take this on as my mission in life! So what to do as a 56-year-old who has a full plate and a lot less energy? First of all, order/download this movie! The producer provides an entire list of action items at the end. Second, if you organic produce, preferably from local farmer's markets. My friend Ginny has done this forever! I admit that it's a new habit I need to start as I live a block from a weekly farmer's excuses for moi'. Also try and buy your meat/poultry locally. Again, I did this religiously when my kids were small as I was scared to death about feeding them meat/chicken with growth hormone, now banned. But I fell out of the habit as I went back to work.

Most importantly and I'll tell you that this is a habit I've had for a game as you're shopping at your local grocery, to NOT go into any aisle (cleaning and laundry supply exceptions allowed). Rather, shop the perimeter of the store...produce, then meat, bread and dairy...then out the door. You'll be healthier for it.

I can't stand the thought that the scenes I saw in this movie happen daily...the abused animals and employees and our precious farmers. I am vowing to do my part to change my consumer behavior. In response to its customers, even Walmart is looking at and changing some of the products it buys. So the most important way we can change the customers, is to change the way we buy. In what we demand by our buying behaviors, we can make this change happen!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stay Warm Today!

Is there anything good about this time of year in Indiana? It's perpetually gray. It's perpetually dark. We hardly see the sun. We slip and slide on the roads and sidewalks. This is a picture of just east of St. Louis on Christmas Day when the roads were so slick that we encountered multiple car accidents every mile and they finally closed the interstate, forcing us to get to Brian & Brooke's on the city streets (thank you Garmin!). Oh, the cold and wind...brrrrr!

So here's my list of what's good about all this cold....
  • Cuddling with Teddy to stay warm
  • Eating hot stew, hot soup, hot whatever
  • Wearing bulky warm sweaters
  • Wearing my Ugg boots which are so comfy
  • Having nightly fires in our fireplace
  • Doing what I call 'hunkering down' at home...I do lots of catching up in the winter because I just want to be outside in the summer
So stay warm everyone and think about your own list of 'what's good' about these cold days!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Self-Reflections on Cancer Treatment

I wish someone had told me sooner. So that's my motivation to write this post. Most every woman diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer completes surgery and radiation and perhaps chemo, then starts oral medication that is taken, typically for five years. The 'go-to' med is tamoxifen, but I got cancer while taking Evista (a cousin of tamoxifen), so my doctors knew that drug would not provide protection. So I was started on Arimidex. Most women tolerate this drug just fine, with some early morning aching that dissipates as the day goes on and of course, the accompanying hot flashes that come from the estrogen-suppressing effects of these drugs. So it was true with me, though both the aching and hot flashes were fairly severe and constant.

But in November, when my doc asked me how I was feeling, I credit Ted with speaking up. So often he is more keenly aware of how I'm feeling than I am. I have this ability to suppress how I'm feeling so that I can keep going. So the nurse practitioner pressed me a bit more and proactively suggested that we try a different regimen. I went off the Arimidex for one month, to give my body a chance to recover from the effects, then I started a sister-drug called Aromatase, which is chemically just a bit different, but with the same estrogen-suppressing effects. I was also started on a drug called Neurontin (gapapentine is generic name) for the hot flashes.

The results have been pretty dramatic, now that I have about a month of the new treatment effect. I no longer ache all day. The 6-7 hot flashes per hour that I was experiencing, are mostly gone. I'm sleeping most nights all night long vs. waking up every hour due to hot flashes. I'm sure you can imagine the impact this is having on my energy levels. I now have some hope that I might return to my 'old self' one day!

So my take-away message is this. If you are a breast cancer patient reading this message, speak up when you see you doctor. I didn't think there were any alternatives, so had resigned myself to feeling crummy. What a blessing it was that Ted spoke up on my behalf!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

It's January 2nd and I'm still not at all interested in setting a New Year's resolution. Call me old, call me unmotivated...I prefer to think of myself as more experienced! I've learned that 'life comes at ya fast' and that for the most part, my plans quickly run off course and pale in comparison to my Maker's.

So I'm just gonna take life as it comes....try to feel a bit better as each day comes, try to brighten someone's day, try to be a shoulder to cry on or to be of help to someone in need, try to enjoy every ounce of joy I can squeeze out of each precious day, try to love and be loved more.

That's it!