My how things have changed from the birth of Jesus, to the birth of our three sons and now to the birth of Harrison...and yet, how certain things about it all have stayed the same.
The Knowing: Mary didn't know she was pregnant until an angel appeared to tell her. I had to wait nearly six weeks to know via a test that I had to take into the hospital. Now Brooke knew about eight whole minutes later...that she was pregnant right at home. And yet, I remember the sense of wonder I'm sure we all had at first finding out...a little anxious at what's ahead, very aware of all the plans that now have changed as a result, yet very appreciative of the miracle that is now growing inside us.
The Growing: Can you imagine Mary and they stressed over telling people as Mary became visibly pregnant? One can only imagine the stress on Mary as Jesus grew in her womb. And like the ancient couples of long ago, Ted and I didn't have any idea how our babies were doing in utero except for hearing heartbeats and feeling movement flutters, all of which were so cherished. Now, Brooke and Brian heard Harrison's heartbeat so early...we have a detailed ultrasound picture of him already on our 'frig and now already know he weighs ALOT and his head is big like his MiMi's head. We've been calling him by name for months now and feel as if we know him! And yet, the similarities of cherishing every movement, every indication that your growing baby is okay are all feelings we Moms have had in common since the birth of man on this earth.
The Waiting: Mother Mary had no idea when she was 'due'. So much so, that they took off on a donkey trip unaware that Jesus would be on his way and born in a manger. By the time we had our sons, the doc's could give you a good sense of the due date, but I blew by those dates with all three sons...10 days late with Kyle, 14 days late with Joel, 29 days late with Brian. I'm sure Brooke is as sick as I was at hearing people ask "Haven't you had that baby yet?" And yet, we all have this sense of heightened watchful waiting...the expectancy...and yes, the anxiety of wondering when and how this newest little one will arrive.
The Birthing: Can you imagine delivering in the midst of smelly hay and farm animals, outside, without any nursing or physician help? What must have been going through Mary's mind as she labored and delivered? And Joseph worried he must have been? With our three, birthing was still a 'medical procedure' without any of the frills we see was a big deal to have Ted with me instead of in a waiting room. When Brooke had the twins, we were amazed at the amenities in the room...beautiful decor, laboring and birthing all from the same bed, and the twins early newborn care completed right in the same room with all of our watchful eyes upon the nurses, who skillfully cared for them with Brian's help in bathing and swaddling the babes. The amazing miracle of birth is that it happens in all circumstances across the luxurious surroundings or humble habitats.
The Celebrating: Can you hold a newborn babe and not feel joy? As the shepherds and then wise men were led by the star, they came to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus...amazed at the sight of Him! Ted and I made old-fashioned telephone calls to announce the birth of our sons and many came to view them through the glass of the hospital one allowed to touch the babes until we came home some three days later. Now we blog and text and tweet pictures of the babes moments after their birth for the waiting world to see...across the miles...across the globe. We thankfully hold and love these babes right away and adore the touch of their soft and perfect newborn skin.
So many differences across the span of time, yet so much is the same. We are in awe of newborn life and of the potential therein! To you dear Brooke...may you be healthy and strong throughout the waiting, birthing and celebrating! And to you, Baby Harrison...we can't wait to hold you and celebrate your birth! And to you Lord Jesus...thank you for coming to save the world. Happy Birthday!
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