Thursday, December 3, 2009

Refuse the Rush of Christmas!

I for one am making a vow, right here and now, to refuse to miss the true meaning of Christmas, because I got caught up in the rush of Christmas. We are pressured from all sides...magazines show us the very best ways to decorate, bake and wrap; morning TV is constant in its ideas for best gifts; cyber-shopping ads pop on every screen. Yet, despite every reason to feel rushed myself...I refuse to do so.

I have two more weeks of non-stop papers to grade and student meetings and grants to get submitted and faculty meetings galore. So it won't be until around the 15th before I can really focus on preparations. But when I do, I will revel in each part of our glad tidings. So even though I'll not get voted "Best Whatever" by Martha and her gang, I'll not forget to love the joy, peace and contentment that is the true meaning of celebrating the birth of Christ and celebrating with those I love most!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog accidentally--love the thoughts expressed.It made me think of childhood Christmases with ny 8 siblings--no big expensive presents, just the most loving gifts, food, and warmth created by our Mom,and our hard-working father who supported us all. Christmas will always be as meaningful as we choose to make it, never dictated by marketing strategies.Enjoy the holidays Julie.
