Thursday, May 7, 2009

Celebrating a Moment!

It was 9 o'clock last night when I asked Ted and the Wrigster to hop up and go for a walk with me. It had been raining all day, but was warm and quiet with the air full of those clean spring smells that come after a rain. We walked arm in arm enjoying the peace and quiet and celebrating a small, but coveted moment...I had just finished grading papers, essentially completing the semester!

I remember what I felt like in January when I started this semester. I was only four days post-op from the lumpectomy. I hadn't started chemo yet. I hadn't read a single page of the 1,000's of pages of reading for both courses. I barely understood how to use the online technology we use in both courses. I hadn't met a single one of the 38 students in one course and 10 in the other. My wonderful teaching partners assured me I'd be OK, but I wondered if I would be able to carry my share of the load along with going through treatment. I had not yet gone through the interview process to assure continuance of my faculty position. In short, the moment I had last night loomed as a real challenge back in January!

So last night was sweet! It felt great! It felt so good to look back and dwell for a moment on how great the last 4 months have been in all regards! I say this all of the time, but all of you played a HUGE role in this celebration. Your support and constant words and deeds of encouragement have truly been so wonderful!

So what's next? I start teaching 'solo' (well kind of...Professor Anna is in the wings ready to help at a moment's notice)! I have 22 students that start summer school next Wednesday. Monday marks the 50% mark with daily radiation treatments, so will finish that phase by the end of May. Zometa treatments will continue once a month for three more months, then every 3 months for an additional 30 months. I'll start an oral medication soon that I will take for 5 years. And the best marker of a return to hair will grow back over the summer!!

So it feels like life is easing up a bit! So for the next few days, I'm just going to bask in the sweetness of accomplishment! Hope you're finding moments to celebrate too!


  1. Dancing like David in my underwear celebrating the goodness of God & how faithful He has been to you and your family this past 4 months! Dancing in celebration of His promise in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me." or more like my paraphrase "Julie can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens her!" Dancing around the throne of Grace!

  2. Julie - Just wanted to write a quick note letting you know how much I enjoy reading your positive blogs. I am not always able to read on a regular basis, but when I do you completely inspire me. You live a life filled with our Lord, and that is something to be so proud of. I love your spirit & feel blessed to know you.

    Enjoy your few days of relaxation before Summer term starts next Wednesday. See you soon.

    Jenny Parliament

  3. We are so happy for you and so proud of your wonderful attitude. You have lifted all of us up through all of your trials. Blessings on you and yours.

  4. Hope you weren't too hard on all those student that you are on the other side of the desk, it might be tough to remember how THEY were celebrating just getting the paper handed in on time.
    Congrats Dr. Meek. Moni

  5. Happy Mother's Day, Julie! We hope you had a great day!!
