Saturday, May 2, 2009


Today was the world's largest mini-marathon...yep, right here in Indy! Ted and I have walked it twice and I must say, we thoroughly enjoyed watching it in our PJ's this morning vs. the very early morning endured by 40,000+ runners plus all their supporters and of course, the many organizers, TV personalities and volunteers.

We really enjoy watching this event on TV. The best part is that the reporters always interview people with great 87-year-old who runs just because he likes to do "what old people shouldn't be able to do", a 7-year-old from Tulsa who ran it with his Dad (beat the old man by 15 min!), father/daughter teams, wheelchair athletes, thin people, fat people, serious runners and those who are just out there to have a great time.

I felt like "mini-me", living vicariously this year through their stories and being okay with the fact that my "mini" this year has been the last 5 months. We each have our "hurdle" to cross but we all have one thing in common. We're striving to conquer something that might have overtaken us, but we just wouldn't let it!


  1. Grandma always said "it's the things that don't kill us that makes us stronger." Cancer didn't kill you, it just caused you to move position closer to the Father. In your weakness HIS strength has shown through you. Granny had such good wisdom, funny how it plays out now in my life. Granny's favorite hymn was "Just a closer walk with Thee"....I can see why!

  2. Life, and living, is all about the struggle; sometimes we are aware of it and sometimes not.

    Awareness is truth.
