Monday, May 18, 2009

For Better For Worse

Today is Ted's and my 35th anniversary! We remarked to each other that in one way, the time has passed so quickly, yet when we stop to consider all that has happened to us across those 35 years, it feels more like 50!

So today, I want to honor my hubby! There is no luckier woman on the face of the earth than me! There is no better soul mate for me than Ted. In all the many, many ways that really matter over a lifetime together, he has always, always been there for me...and for our family.

Tonight, we'll attend a wine tasting dinner together. We'll remember the many challenges we've faced together. But mostly we'll remember all the blessings of our marriage...our love, our wonderful kids and now our growing nuclear family, our many good times with friends and family and all the lives that are now intermingled with ours in that journey. A wonderful life...a blessed life!

Here's to my Teddy...I will love you forever and always!


  1. Happy anniversary you two! May the next 35 years be filled with such joy, health & blessings you will be amazed! Congratulations & Many Blessings

  2. Hope you had a WONDERFUL anniversary!! Here's to 35 more! Cheers!

  3. Congratulations to the both of you!! You are two wonderful people who found each other and never looked back!!!

    Have a great evening!!

    Love, Debbie

  4. 35 years? Wow! Happy anniversary and congratulations, Alisa

  5. Hope you and hubby have an amazing evening reminiscing about the past 35 years and sharing your dreams for the ones that still lie ahead.
