Monday, March 23, 2009


OK sports fans! I know you're hitting my blog because I can see the number of hits on Google Analytics (Oh yes, the world analyzes everything and being the data geek that I am, I love it!). The trouble is...that no one is commenting! What's the deal Ralph? Not only do I miss your comments, but people everywhere are wondering where you are Bert? People love your comments have you been on vacation? I hope you're not sick.

But Bert can't pick up the slack for all of let's get those comments goin'!!

P.S. For all my technologically-compromised friends and family members, all you have to do to comment, is to click on the "0 comments" link at the bottom of my blog posting, which then opens up a window, to which you write your comment in the open box under "Leave Your Comment", then choose an identity, then click on "Publish Comment". That's all there is to it!

If I be a'posting, y'all had better be a'commenting!


  1. I read your blog the minute it posts!!! Could you walk me through doing the google analysis thing-a-ma-bob!!??? Saw Teddy Friday- miss you guys, and pray for you often!! XOXOX

  2. Sweet Sister, I am still around. God hasn't called me home yet. I have been busy in the wings....praying for and loving all of you daily. Just been busy with my job in the physical realm. I to take a quick 4-5 second break to peep in during my day to see how you all are doing. Like the Father, I love the Meeks! I will however remember to bookmark your blogs on my home computer (yes it is up and running now) and try to remember to check in nightly. Brooke however has turned off her comments....Brooke honey, love & blessings to you in STL. Will pray the remodeling goes smoother....the babies are getting big and more beautiful every day! Major Hugs, Kisses, Blessings & Prayers my beloved Meeks!

  3. Hey Aunt Julie,
    So sorry I haven't commented lately, no excuses. I do check your blog and pray for you and your family daily. You know how we Lukens believe in the power of family prayer, we have seen it work over and over again and will see it work again with you. I am so glad that all of you will be able to go to Tucson together, have a great time.
    Love you dearly,

  4. I think you're getting a little bossy girl, and you know that you're not the boss of me!!! lol I'll be thinking about you today as you finish your LAST CHEMO!!!!! yea Love ya bunches, and TFWC love to ya, Munch

  5. I check your blog each and every day. I love Bert's contributiions. His comments are so great that I get distracted and forgot to leave my lame thoughts. Also I ck Brooke's blog daily to get my chuckles. Love you bunches, so glad your vaca plans worked out. Talk to you soon. Keep Blogging. We need a bio on Bert. Mar
