Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Saying Goodbye to ChemoLand!

I know you all are sharing my joy as we collectively say "asta la vista baby" to ChemoLand!! Not that it didn't want to give me a last kick in the butt. For some reason, this time was nearly as uncomfortable as the first with some added throwing up just for fun (OK, put down your breakfast as you read this)!!

But I'm feeling much better today...will likely lay low at home one more day, but then in Stanley Tucci's words..."Gird your loins...she's back!"


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Should be all down hill & smoother sailing from here on out....at least that is my prayer for you. Bright note....only 23 days to vacation! Keep thinking sunny warm thoughts of Tuscon! Huggers

  2. Julie, congrats on making it through chemo. It's great to hear you're feeling better. See you soon.


  3. Moving on to a new challenge: that's your way and your strength.
