Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sending Virtual Cherry Pie!

When Ted and I were young and life threw us a curve ball, we always stayed up and had cherry pie ala'mode. Most of these times were when the kids were really, really sick and it made us "sick with worry" about them. When we were up with them with croup, when Joel had a spinal tap and we were waiting on blood culture results, when Joel had orbital cellulitis. When Kyle and Brian were miserable with ear infections. Cherry pie with vanilla ice cream at 4AM got us through.

So Brian called us last night. He and Brooke had one of those days yesterday. Parker and Finley had a persistent two week duration cough, so while Brian was at work and on call last night, Brooke walked quite innocently into the pediatrician to get them checked out. This led to what some would say is medical precaution...or as it turned out a bit of over-diligence, but better to be safe I guess. Alone with the twins, Brooke was sent to the hospital for lots of delay time in the waiting room trying to keep P&F happy, then diagnostic chest Xrays...when she was in the room with Parker, Finley was screaming...when she was out with Finley, Parker was losin' it. She arrived home very late, with two very OK babies with a diagnosis of pertussis (croup for us old folks), while Brian could only offer words of encouragement as he was admitting his 8th patient of the day to ICU anticipating an entire night on call without sleep.

So all you commenters out there...let's fill up that comment box today with "cherry pie ala'mode" for Brooke and Brian. Sure wish I could drive that cherry pie over to you today B& you guys! MiMi


  1. Aww! Thanks Mimi! Looking forward to the sunshine of AZ!

  2. God promises He will never leave nor forsake us. I am praying for a speedy recover for Parker & Finley, rest and assurance from God for Brooke & Brian. Hang in there, God has provided and planned a wonderful vacation for the whole family in Tucson. Hugs all around.

  3. Hi Julie,

    I'm just catching up after a week or so of not checking in. We are so glad to hear the final chemo went well. We are on call for another Bob Burns meal so let us know when it is needed. I know you have others helping out as well. Know we are thinking of you often.

    Love Julie and Bob

  4. Hi Julie,

    There's a bad bug out there, so Brooke was wise to take action when she did. And congrats on passing the chemo finish line!!!

    Let me know about getting together for dinner before your trip.

    Take care, Alisa
