Friday, March 13, 2009

Top Ten Reasons It's Fun to be a Mexican Hairless

#10. No nose no chance for those nasty buggers to form!
# 9. My shower drain runs clean and clear.
# 8. I don't have to carry a brush in my purse.
# 7. When the March winds blow, no hair will blow into my eyes. Roll those car windows down!
# 6. I no longer have to make a trip to the mall to have my eyebrows arched.
# 5. I no longer have to check to see if my mascara is smeared under my eyes.
# 4. I save a good 20 minutes getting ready in the morning.
# 3. I no longer release chrolo flora carbonates into the air from using hairspray.
# 2. Those hairy European women don't know what they're missing...smooth legs and underarms...with no effort...nice!

And the number one reason it's fun to be hairless is...
#1. Complete strangers do very kind things when they see my scarf-covered head. I haven't received that kind of treatment since I was pregnant, which honey...was a loonnng time ago!


  1. #2 makes it all worth while....not having to buy razors, shaving cream and bandaids! Saves you not only time, money but the hassle of knicking yourself! Glad to see you are keeping your sense of humor through this all. Laughter truly is a critical part of medicine & recovery. Prayer & relationship with God is the number one critical part! Hugs!

  2. You do make me laugh on a regular basis....and I love you for it! Your positive attitude is contagious. Love ya, mar
