Monday, January 5, 2009

The Lukens Gene

I was victim to The Lukens Gene today. It's true. Those who know one of us from my dad's side (Lukens side of the tree) or any of my siblings all agree that we have a defective gene that we all call "The Lukens Gene". It's hilarious, but as each child is born in our entire family watches for the emergence of signs that this child would be possessed with this terrible curse...God forbid! And if it's deemed that the child has this gene, the family gives a worried look and sigh as they gaze at this new infant..knowing that this child is doomed to endure the inevitable ramifications of this tainted inherited trait. Our son Joel has it...Kyle and Brian seem to be heterozygous on there are worrisome signs, but they seem to be able to control its effects with the saving influence of Ted's lineage.

Those of with this genotype are doomed to a lifetime of not knowing how or when to slow down. We're relentless. A dear business colleague of mine, Dr. Richard Citrin observed..."you may be first person I've seen with "attention intensity disorder"! We get so focused on what we want to accomplish or get done, that we ignore all bodily signs of weariness.

I'm guilty as charged. I had all these things I wanted to get done over IU's break, so I tried to do them all TODAY! I was on the floor twisting up wires for my new computer, cleaning my office, walking across campus to meet with a faculty member, etc. etc. So I'm decidedly fault, no fact, some of you would hog-tie me if you were nearby! So obviously the answer to the's your energy level? is that it's quite good right now, but then my body yells at me!

This will be the hardest part of the treatment for me...I do not deal well with loss of energy, so it's been added to my prayer list. If any of you similarly-obsessed people have ideas for me, please post a comment! I definitely need help with this one!


  1. You are correct....I would be one of many in line to hog tie you....HOWEVER, I have found that when dealing with a determined person the best courses of action are #1 help get the job accomplished or #2 stand back and pray. Just do yourself a favor....TRY not to over do it...yes get those things done that your body is able to do...but the world won't come to a screeching halt if you don't get everything done. Just a suggestion....don't call the Lukens gene a curse, just call it a gift from God instead. The enemy of your soul would like to wear you down, but God gives us everything we need and therefore HE gave your family the energy and determination to get everything done that is necessary to get done. You just need to figure out what is NECESSARY and what can be set to the side until your body is ready....just a suggestion! Try try try to slow it down just a bit so your body can catch up! Gentle hugs!

  2. Julie,
    In the past I too suffered the “Lukens Gene.” Only in my family it was called the “Horace Gene” after my father.

    I owe my “recovery” to my very laid-back husband, not a common trait for an attorney!

    The problem for me was that he wanted to sit and watch TV in the evening, which to me felt like l was wasting time. But what I realized is that if I didn’t spend at least some time watching TV with my hubby, I would miss out hanging out with him during the week. So what I had to do is re-define what it means to be productive. Now when I hang out with my hubby watching TV I think of it as spending time with him. Yes, I may still sneak in a few loads of laundry during the commercials. But for the most part I just spend time with him.

    When you are still do not think of it as non-productive. You are doing a really big and important job. You are healing. This is a job that no on else can do for you, but all your loved ones are praying for your success.

    Much Love,

  3. I remember having to hog tie you to get you to pay attention to your ailing gallbladder before it ruptured11 I have always enjoyed your energy and enthusiasm and know that it has taken you through many challenges and I know it will this one as well.

    Mike B

  4. Julie,
    So glad things seem to be heading in the right direction. Bob and I are thinking of you often. Somehow you wouldn't be you without the Lukens gene. Lord knows we wouldn't have accomplished all that we did at Haelan with your guidance. Keep being positive and let us know if we can help. We're here for you.


  5. Hey Julie,
    OK, I too "inherited" the Lukens Gene (yeah I know that you didn't know that...hahaha). I'm just thankful that God made me a night owl so I can get more done, never seems to be enough hours in the day. So did we get that from Mo or Po, maybe both, but I wouldn't want it any other way.
    Love you,
