Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm in the hospital but doing fine

I'm so ticked! Here I thought I was done with chemo and had escaped all the potentially more dramatic side effects. But afraid not. I had a bit of a minor cough and sore throat Thurs/Fri, but nothing big. After being out most of the day on Saturday though, we arrived home to find my temp was the magic number (101) where I was told I must call. So we arrived at the ER around 11p Sat night and discovered my white count was 1.2 (my normal is around 8) with a bit of left lower lobe pneumonia. So I was admitted around 3am Sunday and will need to stay on IV antibio's until one of the white cell types is above a certain acceptable threshold and I'm afebrile. They say "a few days". The good news...I really don't feel bad at all.

So pray that my bone marrow makes those white cells like crazy so I can get outta here! I'll go home on oral antibio's and likely be on 'house arrest' until my white count gets most of the way back to normal. I'm gonna be bored to death, so feel free to call or email me. My phone number here at University Hospital is 317-274-9061. Don't worry about calling during the all know naps are not possible in I'll be up!


  1. Will pray those white cells are semi rabbit and multiply quickly to regain normal count. Remember God's weapon formed against us shall prosper. I rebuke and remove all assignments of the enemy off of you and return them to their maker null & void. I release over you the promise of God & declare you are healed & whole by Jesus' stripes! Huggs

  2. Get out of there fast....don't you know....hospitals will make you sick!!!! Make those white cells girl and fast. I'm sending good wishes your way. Love ya bunches,

  3. Hi Julie

    Sending you lots of get out of hospital quick thoughts! Its hot in Perth tonight and I have just sent you a big hug from Western Australia.
    Take care

    Julie Meek xx
