Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Meaning of Easter to Me!

This is a very special day for me and I pray for you too! I admit it...when I was a kid (which perhaps lasted until I was in my late 20's), Easter was the day I wore a pretty new spring-colored outfit and loved being part of a big family gathering complete with fun egg hunts, ham and all the trimmings.

But then I came into a whole new understanding. I now see the day totally differently. I still feel so blessed to be with family on Easter...but I also find time to be still and thank God that I now deeply understand the meaning of Christ's death for me on the cross and the victory that we now celebrate in God's victory over Jesus' death. No longer is my soul in that dark and lifeless tomb...Christ is risen and alive in my heart, in every moment of my day, like breathing in and out!


  1. Good morning dearest sister. I pray you had a glorious sunrise to watch as you blogged as I did. You were on my mind this morning while reading my Daily Bread. Death tried to conquer you through that cancer, but Christ's work on the cross beat it for you many years ago. His life & victory is what you are walking in....His grace to keep on telling of Him to those you encounter daily. I am blessed to no end that you are not ashamed of God...that you openly laid out your life in this trying time when most would "hole" away. You have kept the faith when it all seemed lost. God spoke to me this morning that He is resurrecting you life to be an example to those who have suffered what you have suffered. Arise & shine beloved sister for it is a glorious new day in Christ!

    To the rest of my beloved Meeks....major hugs and blessings. May you come to know Christ not only as Savior, but as Lord of your lives where you will learn to serve Him by serving others. That you will come to know Jesus as your friend, not like any earthly friend but in the true sense of the word. That your journey won't end there, but that you will like Esther, go through the bridal preparations to become Christ's bride....a place of intimacy with your Savior like you could never imagine. Intimacy or "into me see" as I like to say, where your life is a transparent book for the world to read, nothing hidden from Christ or the world. Many blessings! DeColores & Happy Resurrection Morining...for He is Risen not only out of the tomb, but He is Risen and is moving over the earth & through His earthen vessels!

  2. Thank you our dear Bert, for all your prayers and words on our behalf. Our whole family and my extended network of friends and family are equally blessed by your words of love!
